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餐桌小貼士 | Table Tips

by yukavin |

When you enter the Ziinlife showroom, you will be impressed by the variety of shapes and materials of the dining tables. The tables are available in a variety of designs, with a wide range of practicality and appeal. Choosing the best room for you depends on the amount of space you have available and your lifestyle needs, so we have listed the essentials for you.
Joy luck table
It's no surprise that semi-circular tables are getting popular votes. These typically versatile tables are practical and can easily accommodate up to six people at a time. And more space for indefinite expansion.
方桌是可以容納4人就座,除了用餐選擇,方桌還為其他時刻提供了更好的家具選擇,例如,玩棋盤遊戲或在咖啡時間上chill talk ,非常適合較小的房間 ,加上適合玩遊戲或社交。     
Small-world table
Small-world table can accommodate up to 4 people. In addition to dining options, the square table also provides a better furniture option for other moments, such as playing board games or chill talk during coffee time, which is ideal for smaller rooms, plus for playing games or socializing.
圓桌桌像方形的一樣,非常適合家具空間有限的房間。通過設計,典型的圓桌可輕鬆地 添加額外的椅子,以容納更多的人。最後對於有孩子的人來說,圓桌是沒有角的,這使它成為更安全的家庭餐桌選擇。  
Gathering-round Table
Round tables are square like tables and are perfect for rooms with limited furniture space. By design, the typical round table can easily add additional chairs to accommodate more people. Finally, for those with children, the round table is cornerless, making it a safer family dining option.
Dimension table  
  Dimension table is a novel decoration that maintains a unique and striking atmosphere. A conical table is a complement to a narrow room, and the table is also easier to move, making it ideal for families with small children. It is easy to add extra chairs to provide plenty of seating and make conversations more intimate for everyone.
如需要更多資訊 ,請直接聯絡我們的銷售團隊,Ziinlife一定會幫到你。
If you need more information, please contact our sales team directly and Ziinlife will be sure to help you.
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